Doot doot

 Human feelings make up everything on the planet. We are all at the mercy of them entirely. It's an intricate balance and fight we struggle with. They're what is sterilizing the planet and also the feedback that makes life feel alive. All power that individuals have is based on "feelings" wealth exists as a concept and not a fundamental truth.

There is no god, there is no outside influence other than physics, there is only us. There is beauty and horror in that.

But the greatest lie we tell ourselves is that this ability is unique to us, as a species. There is an obvious conscious decision when we see a predator choose companionship with what could be prey or chooses to consume said prey.

There are physical rules that we are learning how to measure and how to bend to our will, and then there are the rules we make up, and every day we are collectively as a species making choices.

The only thing worthy of hatred and contempt is abuse of power.
To which we, collectively as a species, hold all of the cards for.


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