
 Transphobia, Minorities being used to create a social panic.

It's part of the same playbook the right has used for women voting, gays, immigrants, marijuana smokers, anti-war veterans, leftists in general.

Attacking teachers, doctors, parents who support their kids.

Biological females being used as a prop to attack trans women, IF you think that they give two SHITS about womanhood at all then you've got a lot of learning to do.

Biological females are being used as a prop to attack a minority, the same way Veterans are used as a prop to attack immigrants. The same way Christianity is used as a prop to attack the LGBT community. They are USING you.

Please, wake up. Take a step back, and recognize that every single person wants a society in which they are afforded the freedom to express themself as they see themself.

The same way we strive to respect people's religious expression ( so long as they only harm themselves) we should honor people's express of their sexuality as well.

No, Kids are not being forced to transition. That's a lie they tell you to rile you up. Nobody would support that, not even Trans people.

David Reimer, a man who was damaged through male genital mutilation (colloquially known as circumcision) was raised as a girl following the more-than-intended damage of his genitals. He was forced into an identity he didn't choose. He committed suicide because of it.

The truth is this country does in fact mutilate the genitals of about a million infant males yearly, and the same people pretending that it's horrific to allow a child to choose to transition more often than not are mutilated themselves. A far more pervasive problem that actually harms children, that being it's entire intent.


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