Rando Ass Thot

 Right wingers might not all be racists, but ultimately they all tolerate racism as a tool.

Their identity seems to hinge on "things running smoothly is what I care about." Hence their devotion to what they imagine to be strong leaders.
They intrinsically trust the system because the system has never specifically targeted them for exclusion or abuse. Which is why they refuse to acknowledge it has ever been used to abuse others.
They, intentionally or unwttingly, see racism as an affirmation that they aren't going to be the target that those seeking power in a democracy need to gain influence. Which explains their mistrust of democracy and leaning towards fascism.
If they elect a bigoted leader, like Trump or DeSantis, then the bigoted leader will focus their attention on the scapegoat they campaigned on and not anything that might actually impact them or their business.


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